Our main aim is "To preserve Charlton Athletic Football Club for this and future generations"
Our immediate goal is to generate enough interest and hopefully support for the idea of the Trust so we can get to that first objective of signed up members to participate in an AGM, while putting all the mechanisms such as membership and website into place to allow this to happen.
Longer term we would like the Trust to positively and actively engage with the Club to find ways to achieve our main aim, while representing the views of fans as an independent, inclusive, democratic organisation with close links to our local community, while also reaching out to our more remote fanbase.
I feel that anything beyond that will be the remit of the post AGM board, remember we are an interim steering group, I would not wish to bind the people who take up the elected positions.
As for why we need a Trust, I believe it is important that as stakeholders, we fans have an independent voice concerning the running of our beloved club. We were priveleged to have this in the past, however this has changed as has the overall climate in football. There are key questions of sustainability which I believe will become more an more prevalent in coming years, that will require new models of ownership.
I believe it is time for our fans to become more active in safeguarding the future of our Club, no one else is going to do this for us.
Barnie Razzell - Interim Chair, CAS Trust