Supporters Direct lobbying parliament 5.2.13 for real change in football

See our calendar item and read below article from Supporters Direct Ben Shave, who is well known to CAS Trust

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There's never been a better time for us, as football fans, to make our voices heard: with high ticket prices and football finances front page news, there are now growing demands for changes to be made to the way football clubs are run, and how they make their decisions.

Instead of being dismissed as the views of a minority, the evidence is clear: it’s time for a change.
We have an opportunity to seize the agenda now and to show our MPs, government and the authorities that we can start realising our goals of greater openness and accountability for decisions across the game.
We want your MP to come to our lobby of Parliament on February 5th to ask for the following.
  • The establishment of a Government Expert Group on collective share ownership
  • A League rule guaranteeing a Structured Relationship between Supporters’ Trusts & clubs
  • The protection of football stadia under the Localism Act 2011.
These can happen now: the trust movement, Government, and the football authorities all agree on these in principle, and no legislation is needed.
We’ve provided you with a template letter to send to your MPs (though you can make changes if you want). And make sure you attach the documents below too:
  1. A summary of the Recognising Value paper
  2. The SD briefing that outlines the key issues, and our proposals
  3. Our draft Terms of Reference for the proposed Expert Group

Even if you don’t have the time to contact them directly but you think they might be interested in attending then please get in touch with SD and we’ll help.

If you would like to attend the reception, please contact Ben Shave. Priority will be given to those trusts that have one of their local MPs attending.
If you would like to discuss this further, please contact Ben Shave via email or on 07985 628 315. Thank you.