Rovers are 6th Club to apply for ACV

Asset of Community Value status is predicted to spread throughout Football..

Tudor_Rose_svgAfter news came through this week that Charlton fans are shortly to apply for ACV, it became apparent that Blackburn Rovers have recently applied for ACV status for Ewood Park. If successful this would mean 7 clubs including Oxford, Nuneaton, Liverpool, Manchester United, Birmingham, Blackburn and Charlton fans' trusts all achieving the status for their respective clubs.

This adds further weight to the prediction of CAS Trust Chairman that the results of the Localism Act would be seen throughout the game sooner rather than later.

Elsewhere, a local MP in Cornwall has asked the government to look at beefing up the legistlation when a local scheme ran out of time to secure the required funding in relation to the purchase of some buildings with local significance. The Liberal Democrat MP for  North Cornwall asked the Government to "review the rules to make sure that they are in line with the time it takes to research and apply for other sources of public funding."

Please support Charlton's ACV campaign here