New FA plan to fail fans

On Wednesday, Greg Dyke and the F.A Commission released their 'Four point plan', that if put into effect would hopefully improve the national side.


However one shocking aspect of this is the introduction of 'B' teams into a so called 'League 3', greatly disrupting the current football pyramid in this country as we know and love it.

This has naturally received great opposition from across the footballing community who do not want see League's 1,2 and grass root football destroyed by these new proposals. If you to are also against these proposals than you can sign the very well supported petition here.

Having gained almost 22,000 signatures within 24 hours of the plan being announced the petition is extremely well supported and growing fast. This is with good reason as the majority of clubs who would be effected by the plan are being completely over looked by the F.A commission who seemingly have no care about the damage this could do to them. I would encourage anyone who wants to protect the best footballing pyramid in the world to sign it.

If you like more information on this petition, then you can visit the website of the group who created it called 'Against League 3'.

By Joseph Clifford


(Cover Picture - Greg Dyke appearing on CAS Trust's stall earlier this year)