In line with The CAST constitution we are inviting nominations for election to the board. This is a reminder that the deadline for completed nominations is Monday October 16th.
Every paid-up member of CAST is eligible to stand for election to the board and we would like to encourage all members to consider standing.
Here are some frequently asked questions:
Q: What qualities, skills or qualifications do I need to be a board member?
A: Of course we welcome people with particular skills and experience - for example digital marketing. However, by far the most important thing is that you love Charlton Athletic and you are prepared to put a bit of thought, time and energy into ensuring that the voice of supporters is heard within the club.
Q: How much time is needed?
A: On average about two hours a week. If you feel that you have an hour or two a week you could spare, then that would be fine. It probably isn't for you if you already feel stretched by all your current commitments as sometimes it can require more time, without much notice, to fulfil your obligations.
Q: What does it involve?
A: It involves joining with other board members to promote or support initiatives, organise events or to form opinions and responses; maybe attending meetings to represent CAST; perhaps some writing for our website; sometimes being on our stall before home games to publicise CAST and welcome new members. We hold monthly board meetings (via Zoom) and we communicate regularly by email and WhatsApp.
Q: Do I have to follow a particular line?
A: No. CAST is for all Charlton supporters and we welcome a variety of opinions. We survey our membership at least twice a year so that we stay aware of what our members are thinking. We do sometimes need to treat information as confidential and all board members commit to a conduct policy.
Q: What is the process for joining the board?
A: If you are interested you would first need to complete a nomination form and be supported by two existing CAST members. If we receive more nominations than there are places on the board there will be a competitive ballot of members. The outcome will be announced at the AGM in November.
Those wishing to stand for election must:
- Be a fully paid up member of CAS Trust
- Provide the names of two members to support their nomination
- Write a short statement (100-500 words) to support their nomination.
If you are interested in joining the board, please email and we will send you a nomination form. If you would like to have a no-obligation chat with an existing board member before you decide, please send a contact number and we will get back to you.
Nominations must be received by 16th October 2023.
Sam White joined the board last year and comments: