Trust Vacancies: please enquire today

We are trying to expand the team that work on various aspects of running the trust.

Perhaps to bolster your cv, or because you want to help out and thought all the roles were filled.

Well the news is the trust can use your skills from leafletting to high level design, attending meetings to liaising with groups, creating financial plans or writing articles. So please don't be shy, the wider we spread our roles the more we can make this a success.

Specific areas we need help with at the moment are below:

*Graphic designer familiar with indesign to help produce cas trust news and flyers

*Editor castrust news

*Article contributors for cas trust news and our website

*General committee and executive roles

*Website designer to share the load with our current man David - should know wordpress

*Interviewers for an hour before Shef Wed, Brum and possibly Forest Home games (late Jan-Feb) its really easy to do and not as daunting as it sounds

Not all roles require travel, and we try and have skype meetings as well as face to face.

So even if you can only spare an article or an hour before a home game pls let me know on


Barnie - interim chair