CAS Trust is pleased to launch the "Addicks' Ticket Fund"
An innovative new scheme to help in hard times, and recognises just how pricey football can be particularly for families.
Thanks to a generous donation (and maybe more to follow) we are able to help some Charlton fans who would like to attend matches but cannot afford to attend more than a small number of games per season.
We were struck by the number of people we met at the CAS Trust stall before the Wigan Football for a Fiver game, and indeed at last years match, who said how pleased they were to be there, but who said they couldn't afford to attend fully priced games.The process is very simple:Any CAS Trust member can nominate an individual or family for a specific game and (if necessary specific seats) to We don't want to know anything more than a name(s) so that we can liaise with the ticket office about collection. The recipient or the CAS Trust member can then collect the tickets before kick off.
The whole process is based on trust.

We assume that any people nominated by a CAS Trust members would not be attending the game if they had to pay for the ticket.
Please address any questions (or suggestions) about the Addicks' Ticket Fund to The scheme kicks off for the Derby County home game on December 14th 2013. Nominations need to be received by Wednesday 11th December for that match, further games will be published shortly.
Allocation of tickets is down to the discretion of the Secretary CAS Trust, The scheme is funded completely separately to our membership fees.