Thank you very much to the 33 people who took the trouble to write in to us with their thoughts on the protests. Of these respondents, 25 were CAS Trust members and 8 were not.
22 (66%) were fully in favour of the recent pre and during match protests. 6 (19%) were generally in support but with reservations. 5 (15%) were against.
There was no discernible difference in opinion between Trust members and non-members.
Most respondents in favour noted that the protests had largely been good humoured and that the in-game protests had been short and to the point. Many commented that our protests had been more imaginative and more effective than those mounted by Leeds or Aston Villa supporters.
The least popular form of protest was the whistles. 12 people (37%) were against the use of whistles in the game v Middlesbrough. Otherwise the vast majority supported the protests whole heartedly, although a number voiced their discomfort about abusive songs and abuse of supporters who didn't join in. There was general condemnation for the people who ran on the pitch. There were a few people who felt that the in-game protests adversely affected the players, despite the fact that the players and the results seem to contradict this. One person felt the funeral procession was inappropriate.
We do not pretend that this was a scientific survey. The number participating is far too small to be significant. However, as a snapshot of current opinion it does have some value and would seem to indicate that CARD and CAS Trust are generally acting in line with the views of the majority of supporters.