Trust News in the post this week

The new issue of Trust News should be landing on your doormat in the next few days.

Trust News 12 includes:

  • An assessment of Katrien Meire two years after our interview with her in TN 7
  • An update on The Olympic Stadium campaign
  • Articles about the geography and finances of League 1
  • The Charlton v homophobia campaign
  • A focus on women in the protest campaign
  • Our ever popular end of season quiz

We decided to mail this issue to all members instead of handing copies out at a home game.  This was partly because a lot of members cannot or don't wish to attend all home games and are therefore likely to miss out on a copy.  Seeing as how our members are the people who pay for the publication (through their subscriptions) this didn't seem a very satisfactory state of affairs.

We would be interested in your feedback on:

a)  the quality of the magazine & any ideas for content you might like to suggest.

b)  whether we should continue it as a members only magazine sent out by post.

If you haven't received your copy by 3rd June (8th June for overseas members) please contact and we will sort out a replacement.