EFL explain Meire nomination process to FA Council

CAS Trust has received the following email in reply to our earlier enquiry about Katrien Meire's appointment to the FA Council:


EFL Chairman Ian Lenagan has asked me to respond on his behalf to your recent email regarding the appointment of Charlton Athletic Chief Executive, Katrien Meire to the FA Council.

The EFL is entitled to nominate 8 representatives to the FA Council each season and the process by which the relevant individuals are appointed is defined in our Articles of Association. The relevant clauses being:

24.7 For so long as the League is able to nominate eight or more persons to represent the League on the FA Council, two of the nominations shall be selected by Member Clubs.

24.8 All Club Nominees shall complete a nomination paper in the form required by the League and the completed form must be filed at the Registered Office.

24.9 If there are more Club Nominee Candidates than two, the League shall conduct a postal ballot of Member Clubs to determine the Club Nominees. The ballot procedure shall be determined by the League.

With regard to the 2016/17 season, the EFL received two nominations for the positions on the FA Council, Katrien and Fleetwood Town Chief Executive, Steve Curwood. As a result, both were appointed to the FA Council for one season without the need for a ballot of clubs and in line with the requirements of the Articles.

I hope this answers the points you raise.



John Nagle
Head of Policy