Q&A sessions with Katrien Meire postponed

CAS Trust was disappointed to hear from Tom Rubashow (CAFC Head of Communications) yesterday that the Q&A sessions with Katrien Meire planned for Trust members on March 11th and 25th must be postponed because an internal communication breakdown had meant that Ms Meire was not aware of the scheduled meetings and was now unavailable.

If you had been accepted for one of these meetings you should have by now received an email from CAS Trust informing you of the postponement of the meetings.

The April 8th (v Southend) meeting still stands, although this will be from 12-1 rather than 1-2. We are conscious that this is the date of the Upbeats walk which means that some will be unable to attend.
The club have promised to explore other dates and we will keep members informed as and when we hear what is proposed.
We will have to start from scratch again in terms of the administration of this and the allocation of places.

Tom Rubashow asked me to pass on to all concerned his apologies that this situation has arisen and he has suggested that anyone who has incurred unrecoverable expenses in connection with this Saturday's meeting should let CASTrust know in the first instance.

A number of CAS Trust members who were preparing to attend the session this Saturday have already been in touch with us. They have expressed disappointment and annoyance but, sadly, the prevailing emotion seems to be one of resignation - ie that people expected something like this would happen and are not surprised. For many it is just one more to add to the catalogue.

We will watch with great interest the lengths that the club are prepared to go to in order to remedy the situation. Apart from Valley Gold, CAS Trust is by far the largest CAFC supporter organisation and we have waited politely (maybe too politely) for the turn to come for our members to put their questions to the executive. The extent of the CEO's real willingness to hear from CAS Trust members will surely be demonstrated by the steps she is prepared to take over the next few weeks to ensure that all eighty four who put their names forward are actually afforded the opportunity to do so.

Watch this space...