CAS Trust recently received a communication criticising us for failing to represent all Charlton supporters.
As much as we would love to do that, we think it would be presumptuous on our part to try to speak for people who had made the decision not to become Trust members.
Nevertheless, we are eager to keep aware of all the different strands of opinion among Charlton supporters which is why we open our surveys to members and non-members alike and why we are keen to hear alternative views.
In our recent season ticket renewal survey (full results to be published next week) we asked the question:
"Overall, how do you feel about the future of CAFC under Roland Duchatelet?"
94% (1384) of respondents answered "quite negative" or "very negative" but 1% (14) stated "very positive" and 5% (60) "quite positive". Of the 74 optimistic respondents 18 were CAS Trust members and 56 were not.
Here are some of the reasons given to support this optimistic view:
"Good manager, committed team hampered this season by injury"
"The club has never been more financially secure and funds have always been available for players. We need to spend the money wisely though"
"Would have gone bust by now"
"Investment in the Academy. The new manager and the increasing back seat taken by the CEO. Also the fact that we have no bank debt for the first time in living memory"
"The owner is not frightened to spend money. What other club in Championship or League One can waste £30m in error and not panic? He can just as well spend another £30m and get it right"
"Appointment of Karl Robinson has made it enjoyable again"
"Mistakes have been admitted to and KR has a budget to produce a promotion squad for next season"
"Afraid we might lose The Valley under other directorships"
"It is better the devil you know than the devil you don't know. Just look at the position of Leyton Orient for that"
"We are planning strategically on a sound financial basis. The ownership of the club is financially stable unlike many other clubs"
"The owner is able to fund large losses and hopefully will have learnt hard lessons from last season"
"The infrastructure seems to be in good shape including the under 18s and under 23s. Just needs the first team to get results"
"Good level of investment in the team and facilities. Strong Academy"
"Bills are being paid. Not the case with previous owners"
"The introduction of British based coach, players and scouts is very encouraging"
"We cannot ignore the investment made in the ground, catering and training facilities"
"I feel under Roland we are reasonably safe"