Season ticket prices announced

Prices for 2018/19 season tickets have been announced by the club today.

Full details can be seen here:

We regret the extent by which the club has decided to increase prices (even in the early booking phase) but we do note that, although a date (May 7th) has been set for the end of Phase 1 prices there is no mention of what the prices might be after that date. We understand that this is so that new owners could have an input into pricing if they are in control before the 7th May.

We are very aware that there are thousands of long-standing Charlton fans (including many CASTrust members) who are unwilling to buy a season ticket while Roland Duchatelet is the owner but who would gladly invest in the future of the club under new ownership.

CASTrust will be writing to the club to urge any new owners to recognise this and to offer an extended window of Phase 1 prices for a short period after any take-over. We believe that this would be a very welcome gesture which would earn any new owners a vast amount of good will.

We will be launching our annual season ticket intentions survey in the next few days.