The CAS Trust annual survey of season ticket intentions and attitudes towards the club was conducted during the last week of April and the first two weeks of May. CAS Trust member Will Relf provides the analysis:
There was a total of 928 responses to the survey. This is a statistically robust sample but down from 1463 last year. 89% of respondents were male and the majority of respondents were in the older age range with 51% aged 55 and over and only 16% under 35. This was reflected in 88% of respondents having supported Charlton for 20 years or more. 52% of respondents were not currently season ticket holders. There was a fairly even split between Trust members and non-members with 48% of responses from Trust members.
Asked about their relationship with the club this season, just 15% said they support the team and the club, whatever the ownership. 35% still attend as often as before but do not support the owner, while 26% no longer attend as often because of the ownership. 21% are actively boycotting.
When asked about their intentions for next season, 31% said they would buy a season ticket either before the May 7th deadline or before the start of the season regardless of the club ownership. 36% of respondents said they would definitely buy a season ticket if there is a change in ownership with a further 16% saying this was a possibility with a change in ownership. Specifically, of non-season ticket holders, 75% said they will only buy a season ticket if there is a change in the club’s ownership – showing plenty of potential to win fans back.
There was a shift in positive feeling about the future of the club with 36% of respondents feeling quite positive and 3% feeling very positive compared to just 5% and 1% 12 months ago, although at that point the question specifically referred to the future under Duchatelet, rather than in general. The latest results could be down to the timing of the survey coinciding with the team’s upturn in form and the increase in positive feeling about the club at the appointment of Bowyer and Jacko, and also due to Duchatelet admitting he is looking to sell the club. However, there is still a considerable way to go as 41% of respondents feel either quite or very negative.
On the subject of protests, a large majority - 81% of respondents - said they would support or would consider supporting future protests at The Valley if Roland Duchatelet continues to own the club. One in five would not support protests at The Valley. 53% of respondents said they would support or would consider supporting protests in Belgium.
Fans were asked to rank the importance of various reasons for following Charlton. 65% feel that a team that goes all out to win is very important and a further 28% feel it is quite important. 50% responded that feeling their support is appreciated by the club’s owner and senior management is very important and a further 29% feel it is quite important. This sends a clear message to any new owners of the club.
Full results of the survey are as follows:
Are you a current Charlton Athletic season ticket holder?
Yes 48.17%
No 51.83%
For how long have you had a season ticket?
1-3 seasons 6.77%
4-6 seasons 6.55%
7-9 seasons 7.90%
10-20 seasons 33.86%
20-30 seasons 21.90%
30+ seasons 23.02%
Which one of the following statements best describes your intention regarding a 2018/19 season ticket at Charlton Athletic?
I will buy before the May 7th deadline 24.25%
I will buy after 7th May but before the start of the season, regardless of club ownership 6.90%
If there is a change of ownership, I will definitely buy 35.88%
If there is a change of ownership, I will possibly buy 15.95%
I do not intend to buy a 2018/19 season ticket 11.96%
I really don’t know/am still undecided 5.06%
Overall, how do you feel about the future of Charlton Athletic right now?
Very Positive 3.34%
Quite Positive 35.90%
Quite Negative 25.42%
Very Negative 15.83%
I don’t know 19.51%
Which statement best describes your relationship with the club this season:
I support the team and the club, whatever the ownership 14.60%
I do not support Duchatelet’s ownership but still attend matches as often as before 34.67%
I do not support Duchatelet’s ownership and now do not attend as often as before 26.20%
I attend less often than I used to but for other reasons/ personal reasons 3.79%
I am currently boycotting because of Duchatelet’s ownership 20.74%
How important to you are the following reasons for supporting Charlton at the moment:
- a) A team that goes all out to win
Very Important 65.13%
Quite Important 28.01%
Not very Important 3.71%
Not at all Important 0.79%
Not Applicable 2.36%
- b) Seeing a good football match, whatever the result
Very Important 30.22%
Quite Important 45.73%
Not very Important 13.82%
Not at all Important 6.18%
Not Applicable 4.04%
- c) Spending time at the match together with family/ friends
Very Important 36.51%
Quite Important 37.40%
Not very Important 15.23%
Not at all Important 5.26%
Not Applicable 5.60%
- d) Socialising with friends before or after the match
Very Important 23.90%
Quite Important 29.76%
Not very Important 25.93%
Not at all Important 12.06%
Not Applicable 8.34%
- e) Feeling that my support is appreciated by the club’s owner and senior management
Very Important 49.66%
Quite Important 29.28%
Not very Important 9.01%
Not at all Important 7.88%
Not Applicable 4.17%
- f) Not Applicable/I do not attend matches
Very Important 0.00%
Quite Important 0.00%
Not very Important 0.00%
Not at all Important 0.00%
Not Applicable 0.00%
And which one reason is the most important to you right now?
A team that goes all out to win 45.71%
Seeing a good football match, whatever the result 16.39%
Spending time at the match together with family/ friends 9.59%
Socialising with friends before or after the match 5.46%
Feeling that my support is appreciated by the club’s owner and senior management 13.38%
Not Applicable/I do not attend matches 9.48%
If Roland Duchatelet continues to own the club, would you support any future protests?
- a) At The Valley
Definitely 60.07%
Maybe 21.03%
Probably Not 9.84%
Definitely Not 9.06%
- b) In Belgium
Definitely 30.05%
Maybe 22.74%
Probably Not 22.04%
Definitely Not 25.17%
What is your age range?
Under 11 0.00%
12-17 1.12%
18-24 3.79%
25-34 11.05%
35-44 12.05%
45-54 20.98%
55-64 27.46%
65-74 19.75%
75+ 3.79%
What is your gender?
Female 10.60%
Male 89.40%
How long have you supported Charlton?
1-4 years 0.33%
5-9 years 2.01%
10-19 years 9.49%
20-29 years 17.63%
30-39 years 15.18%
40-49 years 21.43%
Over 50 years 33.93%
Are you currently a Trust member?
Yes 47.54%
No 52.46%