CAST AGM – Thursday 26th November 7.30pm (by Zoom)

This year's CAST annual general meeting will be held remotely using the Zoom platform. The meeting will begin at 7.30pm on Thursday 26th November

The agenda is:

  1.  Chair's welcome
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Minutes of last meeting (14/11/19)
  4. Adoption of Annual Report for year ending 1.6.20
  5. Presentation of Accounts for year ending 1.6.20
  6. Election of board  (result of ballot) - see below
  7. Resolution that members shall not require an audit of accounts for the year ending 1.6.21


Further details of how to join the meeting will follow in due course.


Ballot for board membership:

For the first time we have more nominations (8) for places on the board than there are places available (6) so a competitive ballot will be held in early / mid  November. Further details will be circulated shortly.